Close pack position & Loose Pack (Resting) Positions of joints in Human Body
Close Pack Position:
The position in which there is maximum congruency of the articular surfaces and joint stability is derived from the alignment of bones.
Loose pack (Resting) Position:
The Position of a joint where it is unlocked and free to move.
Close Pack Position | Loose Pack Position |
position with the most amount of joint congruency | position with the least amount joint surface congruency |
capsule and supporting ligaments maximally tight | capsule and support ligaments and lax |
accessory motion is minimized | accessory motion or joint play is maximized |
JOINTS of Human Body:
Joint | Close Pack Position | Loose pack Position |
Glenohumeral (Shoulder) | Abduction & External Rotation | 55-70 abduction, 30 horizontal adduction |
Ulnohumeral (Elbow) | Extension | 70 elbow flexion, 10 forarm supination |
Radiocarpal (Wrist) | Extension with radial Deviation | Midway between flexion and extension |
Hip | Full extension, internal rotation, abduction | 30 flexion, 30 abduction, slight external rotation |
Knee | Full Extension with external rotation of tibia | 25 flexion |
Ankle | Max. Dorsiflexion | 10 plantarflexion |
Facet (Spine) | Extension | Midway between flexion and extension |
Temporomandibular | Clenched teeth | mouth slightly open |
Acromioclavicular | arm abducted to 90 | arm resting |
Sternoclavicular | Max. shoulder elevation | Arm resting |
Radiohumeral | elbow flex 90, forarm suppination 5 | full extension, full supination |
Proximal Radioulnar | 5 supination | 70 elbow flexion, 35 forarm supination |
Distal Radiohulnar | 5 supination | 10 forearm supination |
Trapeziometacarpal | full opposition | midway flexion-extension and abduction-adduction |
Metacarpophalangeal (Thumb) | full opposition | slightly flexion |
Metacarpophalangeal (finger) | full flexion | slightly flexion with ulnar deviation |
interphalangeal | full extension | slight flexion |
subtalar | full suppination | midway between extereme of inversion and eversion |
midtarsal | full suppination | midway between extreme of ROM |
tarsometatarsal | full suppination | midway between extreme of ROM |
metatarsophalangeal | full extension | Neutral |
interphalangeal | full extension | Slight Flexion |
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