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Examination Guidelines on the day of paper at UHS for DPT, MBBS,BDS & Allied Sciences

Examination Guidelines on the day of paper at UHS for DPT, MBBS,BDS & Allied Sciences

Examination Guidelines on the day of paper at UHS for DPT, MBBS,BDS & Allied Sciences

What to do On the night Before Exam ?

1. At least 4 hours sleep
2.Offering Tahujjud namz and Namaz Fajr
3. Nashta
4. Parents prayers

On the Day of Examination?

  1. žRoll number Slip
  2. žStudent card /ID card
  3. žAt least 2 (blue ball point) ž
  4. 2 marker (blue)
  5. ž1 scale (optional)
  6. žWrist watch
  7. Water bottle
  8. žMust reach at UHS before 8:00am ž
  9. Entrance to Examination start on 8:15am ž
  10. Response MCQ form and Answer sheet will be handed over after 8:30 am

Response FORM:

  1. žWrite your roll number in bubbles(6 figures roll number include starting Zero(0). ž
  2. Write Roll number in Digits and figure. ž
  3. Paper ID (not )
  4. žUse (Blue Ball points only not Markers) ž
  5. Exam type( first professional DPT Examination 2018) Paper (MCQ)

SEQ Answer Sheet

  1. ž9 answer sheets for SEQ ž
  2. 1 Separate answer sheet for one SEQ only ž
  3. Write Examination Name( First professional DPT annual Exam 2018) ž
  4. Subjects name (Anatomy, physiology…) ž
  5. Paper (SEQ) ž
  6. Question Number (1, 2 3…) ž
  7. Date ž
  8. Signature ž
  9. Roll number in Figure and digits
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