HomeEducationWhat is Suspension? and its Types

What is Suspension? and its Types

Suspension is defined as suspending a part of the body or whole body with the supported slings and pulleys.

Types of Suspension:

1. Axial suspension
2. Vertical suspension
3. Pendular suspension

Axial Suspension:

Joint axis is taken as the point of the suspension. The limb is supported by the slings above the axis of the joint. If the movement is initiated
the limb moves both sides and the base of the swings shows the segment of the base of the cone shape. The part moves parallel to the floor.


1. Relaxation.
2. Maintain muscular property.
3. Increase the blood circulation.
4. Increase the venous drainage.
5. Increase the lymphatic drainage.

Vertical Suspension:

The center of gravity of the body part or the body is taken as the point of suspension. The body parts can be supported in these types of suspensions rather than strengthening or performing pendular movement of the limb


1. To support the body part
2. To reduce the pressure sore.

Pendular Suspension:

strengthening of the muscle group, the axis is changing towards medially or laterally, anteriorly or posteriorly. The muscles will be getting resistance while movement if the axis is shifted opposite to that movement. For example, if the axis is shifted towards the abductor side the adductor muscles will be getting resistance during movement.


1. To strengthen the muscles.
2. To increase the muscle power.
3. To increase the endurance.

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